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姓 名:谭敦炎


籍 贯:湖南省慈利县

学 位:博士(理学)

职 称:教授(二级)

学科专业:生物学科 植物学专业

研究方向:植物繁殖生态学 种子生态学 植物资源学 等




bwin国际 经理 2018.9-

bwin国际生态学科 带头人 2018.9-

bwin国际(武陵山区)植物资源保护与利用湖南省重点实验室(教育厅) 主任 2018.9-

bwin国际林产化工湖南省重点实验室(科技厅) 主任 2018.12-

bwin国际杜仲综合利用技术国家地方联合工程实验室(国家发改委)主任 2020.9-


1983/09-1987/07 湖南师范大学生物系生物科学专业,获理学学士学位

1987/09-1990/07 新疆农业大学植物学专业,获理学硕士学位

2000/09-2005/07 中国科学院植物研究所植物学专业, 获理学博士学位,师从洪德元院士














1. 重大研究计划项目


2. 重点项目



3. 自由申请项目

(4) 2021-2024,新疆北部砾质荒漠翅果类物种鞑靼大黄果翅功能多样性及其进化适应意义/32071668,62万元。



(7) 2011-2013,两种地下芽型地下结实植物的繁殖特性与生态适应对策/31060047,26万元。

(8) 2005-2007,郁金香属东亚特有类群老鸦瓣群的系统学研究/30460011,19万元。

(9) 2000-2002,新疆郁金香属植物资源及物种生物学研究/39960012,13万元。




1. 2020-2022, 关键地区生物多样性调查评估与抗逆生物物种资源收集/2019FY100204,国家科技基


2. 2016-2020,野果林关键种及伴生种种群更新、复壮关键技术与示范/2016YFC0501504,国家重点


3. 2014-2018,降水、温度与氮沉降对荒漠植物生殖生态过程的影响,国家重大科学研究计划专题,


4. 2013-2014,新疆农业大学教学标本数据更新,科技部国家科技基础条件平台国家标本平台教学


5. 2011-2016,新疆干旱区抗逆农作物种质资源调查,国家科技基础性工作专项子课题,


6. 2011-2014,中亚野生植物资源和近缘种资源引进与研究,国家国际科技合作与交流专项子课题,


7. 2011-2013,垂直带生态系统对气候与土地利用变化的响应与适应,国家国际科技合作项目子课题,


8. 2010-2012,典型外来入侵植物在新疆绿洲生态系统中的入侵机制与影响研究,国家973计划前期


9. 2008-2010,昆仑山北坡野生植物种质资源的调查与保存,国家科技基础性工作专项重点项目子专


10. 2008-2010,新疆短命植物种质资源的收集与保存,国家科技基础条件平台建设“重要野生植物种


11. 2008-2010,小拟南芥等早春短命植物的生态适应特性研究,新疆高技术研究发展计划项目,


12. 2007-2009,新疆植物种质资源标准化整理、整合及共享,新疆重大科技专项子课题,200731138-1,


13. 2007-2008,新疆农业大学教学标本数据库建设,国家“十一五”科技基础条件平台建设专项,


14. 2005-2007, 准噶尔荒漠沙生短命植物的繁殖对策研究,新疆高校科研计划重点项目,


15. 2004-2005, 短命植物高光效特性研究,国家863项目“新疆特殊及战略生物资源研究”子专题,


16. 2003-2005 新疆麻黄、甘草、雪莲人工种植技术转化,新疆科技成果转化专项基金子专题,


17. 2002-2004, 天山雪莲规范化种植,国家科技型中小企业技术创新基金, 02C26216500464,65万元。

18. 2002-2003, 天山雪莲设施育苗与人工栽培, 国家农业科技成果转化基金, 02EFN216500623,


19. 2001-2003, 天山雪莲工厂化育苗及人工栽培, 新疆中小企业技术创新基金, CXJ2001-03, 20


20. 2000-2003, 新疆雪莲人工栽培技术研究与示范基地的建立,科技部西部大开发科技专项,




1. Lu JJ, Gan L, Tan DY*, Baskin CC, Baskin JM. 2021. Effects of the habitat-soil factor on transgenerational plasticity in a diaspore-polymorphic cold desert annual. Plant and Soil, doi.org/ 10.1007/s11104-020-04792-x

2. Lu JJ, Search for other works by this author on:

Oxford Academic


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Dong WJ, Search for other works by this author on:

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Tan DY*, Corresponding author’s email address: tandunyan@163.com

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Oxford Academic


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Baskin CC, Search for other works by this author on:

Oxford Academic


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Baskin JM. 2020. Dormancy and germination of the trimorphic

achenes of a cold desert annual: spreading the risk over time.

, Lexington, KY,

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Oxford Academic


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AoB Plants, plaa056. doi.org/10.1093/aobpla/


3.Gan L , Lu JJ*, Baskin JM, Baskin CC, Tan DY*. 2020. Phenotypic plasticity in diaspore production

of a amphibasicarpic cold desert annual that produces polymorphic diaspores. Scientific Reports,

10:11142. doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-67380-0

4.Lu JJ, Liu B, Tan DY* , Baskin CC, Baskin JM. 2020. Aerial seed bank in a cold desert

annual-ephemeral species: Role of anatomical structure of stem and delayed fruit dehiscence in timing of

seed dispersal. Plant Species Biology, 35:260–269. doi: 10.1111/1442-1984.12274

5.Mamut, J, Zhang CY, Tan DY*, Baskin CC, Baskin JM. 2020. Versatility in the timing of seed

germination of the cold desert herbaceous perennial Leontice incerta (Berberidaceae). Seed Science

Research,30(1): 37-44. doi.org/10.1017/S0960258520000100

6.Qiu J, Zhang JW, Gao TG, Tan DY*. 2020. Crepis desertorum (Asteraceae, Cichorieae), a new species

from northern Xinjiang (China) based on morphological and molecular data. Plant Diversity, 42: 74-82

7.Wu, MY, Shi XJ , Tan DY*. 2019. Development of SSR markers for Astragalus lehmannianus, a

vulnerable species from northwestern China. Applications in Plant Sciences, 7(10): e11297.

8.Mamut J, Tan DY*, Baskin CC, Baskin JM. 2019. Effects of water stress and NaCl stress on different

life cycle stages of the cold desert annual Lachnoloma lehmannii in China. Journal of Arid Land,

11(5): 774–784.

9.Han YJ, Baskin JM, Tan DY*, Baskin CC, Wu MY. 2018. Effects of predispersal insect seed predation

on the early life history stages of a rare cold sand-desert legume. Scientific Reports, 8:3240.


10.Cui XQ, Yue P, Gong YM, Li KH, Tan DY, Goulding K, Liu XJ*. 2017. Impacts of water and nitrogen

addition on nitrogen recovery in Haloxylon ammodendron dominated desert ecosystems. Science of the

Total Environment, 601–602: 1280-1288.

11.Abdusalam A, Tan DY*, Chang SM. 2017. Sexual expression and reproductive output in the ephemeral

Geranium transversale are correlated with environmental conditions. American Journal of Botany,

104(12): 1920-1929. http://www.amjbot.org/

12.Zou YP, Hou XH, Wu Q, Chen JF, Li ZW, Han TS, Niu XM, Yang L, Xu YC, Zhang J, Zhang FM,

Tan DY, Tian ZX, Gu HY, Guo YL*. 2017. Adaptation of Arabidopsis thaliana to the Yangtze River

basin. Genome Biology. 18: 239. IF=11.908

13.Lu JJ, Tan DY*, Baskin CC, Baskin JM. 2017. Role of indehiscent pericarp in formation of soil seed

bank in five cold desert Brassicaceae species. Plant Ecology, 218:1187–1200.

14.Lu JJ, Tan DY*, Baskin CC, Baskin JM. 2017. Delayed dehiscence of pericarp: role in germination

and in retention of viability of seeds of two cold desert annual species of Brassicaceae. Plant Biology,

19: 14–22. doi: 10.1111/plb.12457.

15.Mamut J, Xiong YZ , Tan DY*, Huang SQ. 2017. Flexibility of resource allocation in a

Hermaphroditic gynomonoecious herb through deployment of female and male resources in perfect

flowers. American Journal of Botany, 104 (3): 461-467.

16.Lu JJ, Tan DY*, Baskin CC. Baskin JM. 2017. Effect of seed position on parental plant on proportion

of seeds produced with nondeep and intermediate physiological dormancy. Frontiers in Plant Science. 8:147. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00147.

17.Lin CY, Tan DY*. 2017. Seed testa micromorphology of thirty-eight species of Allium

(Amaryllidaceae) from central Asia, and its taxonomic implications. Nordic Journal of Botany, 35:


18.Lu JJ, Tan DY*, Baskin CC, Baskin JM. 2016. Effects of germination season on life history traits and

on transgenerational plasticity in seed dormancy in a cold desert annual. Scientific Reports, 6: 25076.

doi: 10.1038/srep25076.

19.Zhang R, Ouyang ZT, Xie X, Guo HQ, Tan DY, Xiao XM, Qi JG, Zhao B*. Impact of climate

change on vegetation growth in arid Northwest of China from 1982 to 2011. Remote Sensing, 2016, 8,

364. doi:10.3390/rs8050364.

20.Nurulla M, Baskin CC*, Lu JJ, Tan DY*, Baskin JM. 2015. Intermediate morphophysiological

dormancy allows for life-cycle diversity in the annual weed, Turgenia latifolia(Apiaceae). Australian

Journal of Botany, 62, 630-637.

21.Lu JJ, Tan DY*, Baskin JM, Baskin CC*. 2015. Post-maturity fates of seeds in dehiscent and

indehiscent siliques of the diaspore heteromorphic species Diptychocarpus strictus (Brassicaceae).

Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 17:255–262.

22.Huang CH, Sun RR, Hu Y , Zeng LP, Zhang N, Cai LM, Zhang Q, Koch MA, Al-Shehbaz I, Edger PP,

Pires JC, Tan DY, Zhong Y, Ma H. 2015. Resolution of Brassicaceae phylogeny using nuclear genes

uncovers nested radiations and supports convergent morphological evolution. Molecular Biology and

Evolution, 33: 394-412.

23.Lu JJ, Zhou YM, Tan DY*, Carol C. Baskin, Jerry M. Baskin. 2015. Seed dormancy in six cold desert

Brassicaceae species with indehiscent fruits. Seed Science Research, 25, 276–285.

24.Zhou YM, Lu JJ, Tan DY*, Baskin CC*, Baskin JM. 2015. Seed Germination Ecology of the Cold

Desert Annual Isatis violascens(Brassicaceae): Two Levels of Physiological Dormancy and Role of the

Pericarp. PloS ONE, 10(10):e0140983.

25.Lin CY, Tan DY*. 2015. The taxonomic significance of leaf epidermal micromorphological characters

in distinguishing 43 species of Allium(Amaryllidaceae) from Central Asian. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 47(5): 1979-1988.

26.Mamut J, Xiong YZ, Tan DY*, Huang SQ*. 2014. Pistillate flowers experience pollen limitation and

reduced geitonogamy compared to perfect flowers in a gynomonoecious herb. New Phytologist, 201:


27.Mamut J, Li B, Tan DY*. 2014. Protogyny and delayed autonomous self-pollination in the desert herb

Zygophyllum macropterum (Zygophyllaceae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 52 (1): 75-83.

28.Mamut J, Tan DY*, Baskin CC*, Baskin JM. 2014. Role of trichomes and pericarp in the seed biology

of the desert annual Lachnoloma lehmannii (Brassicaceae). Ecological Research, 29 (1):33-44.

29.Abdusalam A, Tan DY*. 2014. Contribution of temporal floral closure to reproductive success of the

spring-flowering Tulipa iliensis. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 52(2):186-194.

30.Baskin JM, Lu JJ, Baskin CC*, Tan DY*, Wang L.2014. Diaspore dispersal ability and degree of

dormancy in heteromorphic species of cold deserts of northwest China: A review. Perspectives in

Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 16:93-99.

31.Lu JJ, Tan DY*, Baskin JM., Baskin CC*.2014. Germination season and watering regime, but not

seed morph, affect life history traits in a cold desert diaspore-heteromorphic annual. PloS One,

9(7): e102018.

32.Mamut J, Tan DY*, Baskin CC*, Baskin JM.2014. Intermediate complex morphophysiological

dormancy in seeds of the cold desert sand dune geophyte Eremurus anisopterus (Xanthorrhoeaceae).

Annals of Botany, 114. 991-999.

33.Lu JJ, Tan DY*, Baskin JM., Baskin CC*.2014.Two kinds of persistent soil seed banks in an

amphi-basicarpic cold desert annual. Seed Science Research, 24, 293–300.

34.Nur M, Baskin CC*, Lu JJ, Tan DY*, Baskin JM. 2014. A new type of non-deep physiological

dormancy: evidence from three annual Asteraceae species in the cold deserts of Central Asia. Seed

Science Research, 24, 301–314.

35.Lu JJ, Ma WB, Tan DY*, Baskin JM., Baskin CC*. 2013. Effects of environmental stress and nutlet

morph on proportion and within-flower number-combination of morphs produced by the

fruit-dimorphic species Lappula duplicicarpa(Boraginaceae). Plant Ecology, 214:351-362.

36.Baskin JM, Lu JJ, Baskin CC*, Tan DY. 2013. The necessity for testing germination of fresh seeds in

studies on diaspore heteromorphism as a life-history strategy. Seed Science Research, 23, 83–88.

37.Fu ZY, Tan DY*, Baskin JM, Baskin CC*. 2013. Seed dormancy and germination of the subalpine

geophyte Crocus alatavicus (Iridaceae). Australian Journal of Botany, 61(5): 376–382.

38.Eminniyaz A, Qiu J, Tan DY*, Baskin CC*, Baskin JM, Nowak RS. 2013. Dispersal mechanisms of

the invasive alien plant species Solanum rostratum in cold desert sites of Northwest China. Weed

Science, 61:557–563.

39.Lu JJ, Tan DY*, Baskin JM., Baskin CC*. 2013. Tradeoffs between seed dispersal and dormancy in an

amphi-basicarpic cold desert annual. Annals of Botany, 112: 1815–1827.

40. Lu JJ , Tan DY* , Baskin JM. Baskin CC. 2012. Phenotypic plasticity and bet-hedging in a

heterocarpic winter annual/spring ephemeral cold desert species of Brassicaceae. Oikos, 121:357-366.

41.Jia J, Tan DY*. 2012. Variation in style length and anther-stigma distance in Ixiolirion songaricum

(Amaryllidaceae). South African Journal of Botany, 81:19-24.

42.Shalimu D, Qiu J, Tan DY*, Baskin CC, and Baskin JM. 2012. Seed biology of the invasive species

Buffalobur (Solanum rostratum) in Northwest China. Weed Science, 60 (2):219-224.

43.Sun Y, Tan DY*, Baskin CC*, Baskin JM. 2012. Role of mucilage in the seed germination

ecology of the annual ephemeral Alyssum minus (Brassicaceae). Australian Journal of Botany, 60,


44.Long Y, Tan DY*, Baskin CC*, Baskin JM. 2012. Seed dormancy and germination characteristics

of Astragalus arpilobus (Fabaceae, subfamily Papilionoideae), a central Asian desert annual ephemeral.

South African Journal of Botany, 83:68-77.

45.Lei L, Zhao B, Tan DY and Wang JB*. 2012. Phylogenetic relationships of Brassicaceae species

based on mat sequences. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 44(2): 619-626.

46.Liu L, Zhao B, Tan DY, Wang JB*. 2011. Phylogenetic relationships of Brassicaceae in China:

Insights from a non-coding chloroplast, mitochondrial, and nuclear DNA data set. Biochemical

Systematics and Ecology, 39, 600-608.

47.Lu JJ, Tan DY*, Baskin JM, Baskin CC. 2010. Fruit and seed heteromorphism in the cold desert

annual ephemeral Diptychocarpus strictus(Brassicaceae) and possible adaptive significance. Annals

of Botany. 105: 999-1014.

48.Wang AB, Tan DY*, Baskin CC., Baskin JM.. 2010. Effect of seed position in spikelet on life history

of Eremopyrum distans (Poaceae) from the cold desert of north-west China, Annals of Botany, 106:


49.Ma WB, Tan DY *, Baskin CC, Baskin JM. 2010. Nutlet dimorphism in individual flowers in two cold

desert annual Lappula species(Boraginaceae): implications for escape by offspring in time and space.

Plant Ecology, 209: 361-374.

50.Zhao B, Liu L, Tan DY, Wang JB*. 2010. Analysis of phylogenetic relationships of Brassicaceae

species based on Chs sequences. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 38: 731-739.

51.Zhang T, Tan DY*. 2009. An examination of the function of male flowers in an andromonoecious

shrub Capparis spinosa L. (Capparaceae), Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 51 (3):316-324.

52.Sun HZ, Lu JJ, Tan DY*, Baskin JM, Baskin CC. 2009. Dormancy and germination characteristics of

the trimorphic achenes of Garhadiolus papposus (Asteraceae), an annual ephemeral from the Junggar

Desert, China. South African Journal of Botany, 75: 537-545

53.Zhang T, Tan DY*. 2008. Adaptive significances of sexual system in andromonoecious Capparis

spinosa(Capparaceae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 46 (6): 861-873.

54.Zhang AQ, Tan DY, Zhu JZ. 2008. The cross-fertilization mechanism and reproductive interference of

self-pollen of Medicago varia “ Xinmu No. 1”, Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 46 (6):


55.Wei Y, Dong M, Huang ZY*, Tan DY. 2008. Factors influencing seed germination of Salsola affinis,

a dominant annual halophyte inhabiting the deserts of Xinjiang, China. Flora, 203, 134-140.

56.Wu XL, Tan DY*. 2007. Floral characters and breeding systems in the dimorphic annual plant

Diptychocarpus strictus(Cruciferae). Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica, 45 (4): 538-550.

57.Tan DY, Li XR., Hong DY*. 2007. Amana kuocangshanica (Liliaceae), a new species from south-east

China, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 154, 435-442.

58.Lin Y, Tan DY*. 2007. The potential and exotic invasive plant: Solanum rostratum, Acta

Phytotaxonomica Sinica, 45 (5): 681-691.

59.Lin Y, Tan DY*. 2007,Enantiostyly in angiosperms and its evolutionary significance. Acta

Phytotaxonomica Sinica, 45 (6): 901-916.

60.Tan DY, Zhang Z, LI XR, Hong DY*. 2005. Restoration of the genus Amana Honda (Liliaceae) based

on a cladistic analysis of morphological characters. Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica, 43(3): 262-270.

61.邱娟, 李文军, 杨宗宗, 谭敦炎*. 2020.长毛孜然芹, 中国伞形科一新记录种. 热带亚热带植物学

, 28(1): 101-104.(in English)

62.吉乃提汗·马木提, 成小军, 谭敦炎. 荒漠短命植物异喙菊的小花异形性及繁殖特性. 生物多样性

2018, 26 (5): 498–509

63.吉乃提汗·马木提, 谭敦炎*. 2014. 被子植物雌全同株性系统: 系统演化、性表达与进化意义.

物生态学报. 38 (1): 76-90.

64.付子燕 谭敦炎*.2013. 地下结实植物白番红花地下果实的生产与种子扩散特性. 生物多样性, 21

(5): 582–589.

65.邱娟 地里努尔·沙里木 谭敦炎*. 2013. 入侵植物黄花刺茄在新疆不同生境中的繁殖特性. 生物

多样性. 21 (5): 590–600.

66.张振春, 谭敦炎*. 2012. 雄全同株植物簇花芹花期性别分配与开花式样. 植物生态学报. 36 (1):


67.艾沙江·阿不都沙拉木 谭敦炎* 吾买尔夏提·塔汉. 2012. 新疆郁金香营养生长、个体大小和开花

次序对繁殖分配的影响. 生物多样性. 20 (3): 391–399.

68.吉乃提汗•马木提, 谭敦炎*, 成小军. 2011. 一年生短命植物疏齿千里光果实异形性的生态学意

义. 植物生态学报, 35 (6): 663-671.

69.戴攀峰, 谭敦炎*. 2011. 雪莲的开花生物学特性及其生态适应意义. 植物生态学报, 35 (1): 56-65.

70.王丽, 谭敦炎*. 2011. 新疆党参的花部综合征与次级花粉呈现. 生物多样性, 19: 24-33.

71.谭敦炎*, 张洋, 王爱波. 2010. 被子植物地下结实和地上/下两型结实的生态适应意义. 植物生态

学报, 34 (1): 72-88.

72.孙华之, 谭敦炎*, 曲荣明. 2008. 短命植物小疮菊异形瘦果特性及其对荒漠环境的适应. 生物多

样性, 16 (4): 353-61.

73.马生军, 谭敦炎*. 2007. 短命植物甘新念珠芥和宽翅菘蓝的物候与性表达特征. 生态学报, 27(2):


74.邱娟, 谭敦炎, 樊大勇. 2007. 准噶尔荒漠早春短命植物的光合特性及生物量分配特点. 植物生

态学报, 31:883-891.

75.刘晓风, 谭敦炎*. 2007. 24种十字花科短命植物的扩散体特征与扩散对策. 植物生态学报, 31:


76.赵学杰, 谭敦炎*. 2007. 种子植物的选择性败育及其进化生态意义. 植物生态学报, 31: 1007-


77.陆婷, 谭敦炎*. 2007. 动物传粉植物花粉呈现时序的进化意义. 生物多样性, 15(6): 673-79.

78.李新蓉, 谭敦炎*,郭江. 2006. 迁地保护条件下两种沙冬青的开花物候比较研究. 生物多样性

14(3): 241-249.

79.姚红, 谭敦炎*. 2005. 胡卢巴属4种短命植物个体大小依赖的繁殖输出与生活史对策. 植物生态

学报, 29: 954-960.

80.谭敦炎, 魏星, 方瑾, 安争夕. 2000. 新疆郁金香属新分类群. 植物分类学报, 38 (3): 302-304.


廖康,谭敦炎,满苏尔. 早春短命植物绵果芥组织培养高效再生体系的建立.专利号:ZL 2010 1 0274418.3. 授权公告日:2012年6月27日.


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in China.Volume 1, pp 97-124. Dordrecht: Springer Science+Business Media, The Netherlands. ISBN:

978-94-024-0946-8, ISBN: 978-94-024-0948-2 (eBook). DOI 10.1007/978-94-024-0948-2

(4) 刘志勇,刘宁,邱娟,谭敦炎,新疆维吾尔自治区抗逆农作物种质资源调查。见:王述民,景蕊

年 主编 西北地区抗逆农作物种子资源调查,北京:科学出版社。2018: 386-407。

(5) 刘志勇,刘宁,邱娟,谭敦炎等. 新疆维吾尔自治区抗逆农作物种质资源多样性(第七章)。见:

王述民,陈彦清,景蕊莲(主编) 西北地区抗逆农作物种质资源多样性图集. 北京:科学出版社,





1. 2019年入选新疆首批“天山领军人才”;

2. 2019年入选自治区“享受特殊一线岗位人才医疗保健待遇人员”;

3. 2019年获批新疆自治区总工会劳模和工匠人才创新工作室“谭敦炎创新工作室”;

4. 2016年8月,全国“教书育人楷模”候选人(1/64)

5. 2014年5月, 获全国五一劳动奖章;

6. 2013年, 获新疆自治区“天山英才工程”第一层次人才;

7. 2006年9月, 获全国“师德标兵”荣誉称号;

8. 2006年5月, 获自治区“开发建设新疆奖章”荣誉称号;

9. 2005年8月, 获乌鲁木齐市首届“青年科技奖”;

10. 2004年9月, 获新疆“自治区优秀教师”荣誉称号;

11. 2001年5月, 获“新疆青年五四奖章”荣誉称号;

12. 2000年11月, 获新疆自治区政府“优秀专业技术工作者” 称号;

13. 2000年5月, 获乌鲁木齐地区 “十大优秀青年” 称号;

14. 1998年12月, 获中国植物学会 “先进工作者”称号。


1. 2018年12月,Flexibility of resource allocation in a hermaphroditic- gynomonoecious herb through

deployment of female and male resources in perfect flowers获第十五届新疆自治区自然科学优秀学术论文“二等奖”,排名第三(通讯作者)。

2. 2018年12月,Effects of predispersal insect seed predation on the early life historystages of a rare cold

sand-desert legume获第十五届新疆自治区自然科学优秀学术论文“二等奖”,排名第三(通讯作者)。

3. 2018年12月,Sexual expression and reproductive output in the ephemeral Geranium transversale are

correlated with environmental conditions获第十五届新疆自治区自然科学优秀学术论文“三等奖”,排


4. 2016年12月,论文“Post-maturity fates of seeds in dehiscent and indehiscent siliques of the diaspore

heteromorphic species Diptychocarpus strictus (Brassicaceae)”获第十四届自治区自然科学优秀学术


5. 2016年12月,论文“Intermediate complex morphophysiological dormancy in seeds of the cold desert

sand dune geophyte Eremurus anisopterus”获第十四届自治区自然科学优秀学术论文“二等奖”,排名


6. 2014年,“新疆植物种质资源整合共享及重要植物类群生物学特性研究”获自治区科技进步三等奖,排名第三。

7. 2014年11月,Pistillate flowers experience more pollen limitation and less geitonogamy than perfect flowers in a gynomonoecious herb. 获第十三届自治区自然科学优秀学术论文“一等奖”,排名第三(通讯作者).

8. 2014年11月,Trade-offs between seed dispersal and dormancy in an amphi-basicarpic cold desert annual 获第十三届自治区自然科学优秀学术论文“二等奖”,排名第二(通讯作者)。

9. 2012年12月Seed biology of the invasive species buffalobur (Solanum rostratum) in Northwest China.第十二届自治区自然科学优秀学术论文“二等奖”,排名第三(通讯作者)。

10. 2011年,Fruit and seed heteromorphism in the cold desert annual ephemeral Diptychocarpus strictus (Brassicaceae) and possible adaptive significance. 获第十一届新疆自治区自然科学优秀学术论文“一等奖”,排名第二(通讯作者)。

11. 2011年,An examination of the function of male flowers in an andromonoecious shrub Capparis spinosa L. (Capparaceae)获第十一届新疆自治区自然科学优秀学术论文“一等奖”,排名第二(通讯作者)。

12. 2007年5月,“老鸦瓣属(百合科)的恢复:以形态性状的分支分析为依据” 获新疆自治区自然科学优秀学术论文“二等奖”, 排名第一。

13. 2003年3月,“巴旦杏受粉试验与花粉管生长的荧光显微观察”获新疆自治区政府优秀论文“二等奖”,排名第二。

14. 2001年10月,“新疆野生郁金香属植物资源的引种栽培”获第五届中国花卉博览会成果奖“银奖”,排名第一。

15. 2001年10月,“天山雪莲人工种植与栽培技术”获第五届中国花卉博览会成果奖“银奖”,排名第一。

16. 1999年9月,人工繁殖的天山雪莲荣获昆明世界园艺博览会“室内观叶植物”评比中的最高奖––“大奖”,排名第一。

17. 1999年9月,人工种植的齿丝山韭荣获昆明世界园艺博览会“室外蔬菜”评比 “铜奖”,排名第一。



1. 2015,新疆优秀硕士学位论文指导教师。

2. 2014,新疆优秀博士学位论文指导教师。

3. 2014,新疆优秀硕士学位论文指导教师。

4. 2013,全国优秀博士学位论文提名论文指导教师。

5. 2013,新疆优秀博士学位论文指导教师。

6. 2013,新疆优秀硕士学位论文指导教师。

7. 2012,新疆优秀硕士学位论文指导教师。

8. 2011,新疆优秀博士学位论文指导教师。

9. 2011,新疆优秀硕士学位论文指导教师。

10. 2009,新疆优秀硕士学位论文指导教师。

11. 2008,新疆优秀硕士学位论文指导教师。


中国植物学会 理事 2013-





中国生态学会生物入侵生态专业委员会委员 2017-

中国昆虫学会传粉昆虫专业委员会委员 2016-


国家自然科学基金---广东、云南、新疆联合基金会评专家 2012

中国植物学会“期刊分级目录项目”评审专家 2020

生态环境部“生物多样性观测技术导则”评审专家 2020



《Journal of Systematics and Evolution》编委,2004-2024

《Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions》编委,2009-





石河子大学“新疆植物药资源利用教育部重点实验室”学术委员会委员 2018/01-2020/12

新疆大学应用生物学(新疆特色生物资源保护与利用)重点实验室学术委员会委员 2018/01-2020/12

云南大学“云南省植物繁殖适应与进化生态学重点实验室”学术委员会委员 2019/12-

bwin国际“生态旅游湖南省重点实验室”(科技厅)学术委员会主任 2020.12-




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